速報APP / 遊戲 / Leap Leap Leap!

Leap Leap Leap!



檔案大小:99 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Leap Leap Leap!(圖1)-速報App

Leap Leap Leap! is a fast-paced, endless running game where you leap from rooftop to rooftop in a computer simulated world. Download the free stack jumping game and get excited by this fabulous computer simulated world of skyscrapers and surreal colours in parallax effect. On your way, collect cubes and revival points as many as you can to make a long run on top of the buildings.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖2)-速報App

Top with a high score.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖3)-速報App

Highlights of The Leap Leap Leap:

Leap Leap Leap!(圖4)-速報App

-Different colour themes.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖5)-速報App

-Surreal lights.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖6)-速報App

-Simple one touch gameplay.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖7)-速報App

-Attractive art.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖8)-速報App

-Effective use of parallax.

Leap Leap Leap!(圖9)-速報App

-GameCenter Leaderboard

支援平台:iPhone, iPad